Keeping Sabbath All Seven Days
The sabbath journey is learning to “seven” our lives
Moses, in Deuteronomy, imagines that Sabbath is not only a festival day but also a new social reality that is carried back into days one through six. People who keep Sabbath live all seven days differently. So the task, according to Moses, is to “seven” our lives.
Walter Brueggemann
Sabbath as Resistance; Saying No to the Culture of Now
Sabbath is a challenging practice for me and I know I’m not alone! I usually want to blame my kids, but the reality is I wasn’t good at sabbath before I had kids! Yes, life is busy. Yes, kids take a lot of energy and there’s not a day off. Brueggemann reminds me that sabbath is the center, a place and time that shapes everything else. I hope to invite my family into a sabbath way of being. It is hard but a journey to “seven” our lives is worth the struggle because the hope, the promise is that beyond the struggle is the peace that passes our understanding. Really, I don’t understand it! But I do believe it. The journey is to learn how to live it with myself and with my family!